
Acrylic paint and mediums on birch wood panel, gauze fabric, antique wood picket frame. Overall size: 29W x 44.5H x 4.5D

unseen seer
unseen seer

Acrylic paint and mediums on birch wood cradle. Rusted hinges, antique barn wood frame. Overall size: 34W x 37.5H x 4D

little beams of light
little beams of light

Acrylic paint and mediums on birch wood panel. Rusted star, antique “turkey” feeders from old Kenwood farm that burned in fire, antique ceramic light fixtures, strings of tiny lights. Overall size: 34W x 30H x 3.5D

you belong to me
you belong to me

Acrylic paint and mediums on 4 separate birch wood cradles, mounted to antique barn wood with rusted hinges, rusted metal heart and raw canvas fabric. Overall size: 7W x 35H x 3D

you belong to me (detail)
you belong to me (detail)
my body is a temple
my body is a temple

Acrylic paint and mediums on birch wood cradle. Antique picket frame. Overall size: 27W x 54H x 3D


Acrylic paint and mediums on birch wood cradle. Antique picket frame. Overall size: 28.5W x 32H x 3.5D

cricket kisser
cricket kisser

Acrylic paint and mediums on birch wood panel. Antique painted redwood picket frame. Overall size: 29W x 31H x 3D

cricket whisperer
cricket whisperer

Acrylic paint and mediums on birch wood panel. Antique painted redwood frame. Overall size: 33W x 26H x 3.5D

we breathe, briefly
we breathe, briefly

4 separate paintings, acrylic and mediums on birch wood panels, attached together with antique picket cross, ceramic heart with nails and wire. Overall size: 27.5W x 27.5H x 5D


Acrylic paint, mediums, silk fabric on birch wood panel. Antique pickets and rusted rebar frame. Overall size: 26W x 26H x 4D

this is all I know
this is all I know

Acrylic paint and mediums on birch wood panel. Antique redwood from old Sonoma barn with rusted rebar. Overall size: 52W x 33H x 3D

fragile spirits
fragile spirits

Acrylic paint and mediums on birch wood panel. Ceramic head with antique metal gear, wire, rusted bells, butterfly and feathers. Overall size: 11W x 14H x 6D

i contain multitudes
i contain multitudes

Acrylic paint and mediums on birch wood cradle. Attached ceramic head with leather straps and rusted metal parts. Overall size: 8X x 16H x 5.5D

unseen seer
little beams of light
you belong to me
you belong to me (detail)
my body is a temple
cricket kisser
cricket whisperer
we breathe, briefly
this is all I know
fragile spirits
i contain multitudes

Acrylic paint and mediums on birch wood panel, gauze fabric, antique wood picket frame. Overall size: 29W x 44.5H x 4.5D

unseen seer

Acrylic paint and mediums on birch wood cradle. Rusted hinges, antique barn wood frame. Overall size: 34W x 37.5H x 4D

little beams of light

Acrylic paint and mediums on birch wood panel. Rusted star, antique “turkey” feeders from old Kenwood farm that burned in fire, antique ceramic light fixtures, strings of tiny lights. Overall size: 34W x 30H x 3.5D

you belong to me

Acrylic paint and mediums on 4 separate birch wood cradles, mounted to antique barn wood with rusted hinges, rusted metal heart and raw canvas fabric. Overall size: 7W x 35H x 3D

you belong to me (detail)
my body is a temple

Acrylic paint and mediums on birch wood cradle. Antique picket frame. Overall size: 27W x 54H x 3D


Acrylic paint and mediums on birch wood cradle. Antique picket frame. Overall size: 28.5W x 32H x 3.5D

cricket kisser

Acrylic paint and mediums on birch wood panel. Antique painted redwood picket frame. Overall size: 29W x 31H x 3D

cricket whisperer

Acrylic paint and mediums on birch wood panel. Antique painted redwood frame. Overall size: 33W x 26H x 3.5D

we breathe, briefly

4 separate paintings, acrylic and mediums on birch wood panels, attached together with antique picket cross, ceramic heart with nails and wire. Overall size: 27.5W x 27.5H x 5D


Acrylic paint, mediums, silk fabric on birch wood panel. Antique pickets and rusted rebar frame. Overall size: 26W x 26H x 4D

this is all I know

Acrylic paint and mediums on birch wood panel. Antique redwood from old Sonoma barn with rusted rebar. Overall size: 52W x 33H x 3D

fragile spirits

Acrylic paint and mediums on birch wood panel. Ceramic head with antique metal gear, wire, rusted bells, butterfly and feathers. Overall size: 11W x 14H x 6D

i contain multitudes

Acrylic paint and mediums on birch wood cradle. Attached ceramic head with leather straps and rusted metal parts. Overall size: 8X x 16H x 5.5D

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